Thrombophlebitis Inflammation(redness,pain,swelling) of a vein associated with formation of thrombus(abnormal clotting of blood causes obsruction in blood flow). Medications (drug generics) used in Thrombophlebitis Primary Drugs Heparinoid Nimesulide Nylidrin Secondary Drugs Phenylbutazone Contra Drugs Estramustine Estrogens Conjugated Ethinyloestradiol Megestrol (Acetate) Mestranol
Thrombophlebitis Inflammation(redness,pain,swelling) of a vein associated with formation of thrombus(abnormal clotting of blood causes obsruction in blood flow). Medications (drug generics) used in Thrombophlebitis Primary Drugs Heparinoid Nimesulide Nylidrin Secondary Drugs Phenylbutazone Contra Drugs Estramustine Estrogens Conjugated Ethinyloestradiol Megestrol (Acetate) Mestranol