Primary Characteristics
Primary Characteristics
Foeniculum vulgare Miller is aslo known as Foeniculum officinale, belongs to Apiaceae, Umbelliferae, family.
The Arabic Names for this herb are Razyana, Samar.
The English Names for this herb are Fennel, Sweet Fennel.
The Urdu Names for this herb are Badyan, Raz, Rizeh, Saunf.
Pharmacological Actions
Anti-arthriticAnti-colicAnti-flatulentAnti-inflammatoryAppetizerGastric Stimulant Root:
DiureticExpectorant Fruit (seed):
Anti-coagulantanti-fatteningAnti-flatulentAnti-hepatotoxicAnti-inflammatoryAnti-microbialAnti-spasmodicAntidoteAppetizerAromaticCarminativeDigestive TonicDiureticEmmenagogueExpectorantFlavouring AgentGalactagogueImproves VisionLactagogueLaxativeLiver Detoxifying AgentMasticatoryRubefacientSmooth Muscles RelaxantStimulant
The Indications of Foeniculum vulgare Miller are Abdominal Pain, Colic, Flatulence, Phlegmatic Disorders, Spleen Obstructions, Gastritis, Renal Obstructions, Indigestion, Liver Obstructions, Stomach Debility, Atrabilious Disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Eyesight Weakness, Malhumors, Breast Milk Deficiency.
The Indications of Oil of Foeniculum vulgare Miller are Inflammations, Griping, Flatulence, Colic in Infants, Lack of Appetite, Polyarthritis.
The Indications of Root of Foeniculum vulgare Miller are Urine Retention, Amenorrhoea.
The Indications of Fruit (seed) of Foeniculum vulgare Miller are Eyesight Weakness, Indigestion, Atrabilious Disorders, Phlegmatic Disorders.
No Contra Indication information is available for Foeniculum vulgare Miller.
The Temperament of Foeniculum vulgare Miller is 2nd order, warm and dry.
Available Brands
Compound Preparations
Foeniculum vulgare Miller is used in the preparation of Arq Badiyan, Arq Biranjasif, Arq Faulad, Jawarish Kamuni, Jawarish Mastagi Kalan, Jawarish Razyana, Kuhl Sadaf, Laooq Mo'tadil, Ma'jun Izaraqi, Ma'jun Sohag Sonth, Qurs Mulayyin, Qurs Podinah, Roghan Badiyan, Ruh-i-Badiyan, Sherbet Gaozaban, Sherbet Khakshi, Sherbet Mushil, Sherbet Ustukhudus compounds.
Part | Dose | Instruction |
Whole Herb | | N/A |
Fennel Water | 5.000Drops - 15.000Drops | N/A |
Fruit (seed) | 5.000g - 7.000g | N/A |
Liquid Extract | 0.800ml - 2.000ml | Liquid Extract:1 in 70% alcohol. |
Lotion | | Method for preparing Lotion:Half a teaspoon crushed seeds in cold water.Infuse for one hour.Used as eye bath and as a douche. |
Powder | 300.000mg | N/A |
Root | 5.000g - 7.000g | N/A |
Tea(seeds) | 1.000Cup | Method for preparing Tea:Quarter to half a teaspoon seeds to each cup of boiling water infuse for 15 minutes. |
Herb's Description
Foeniculum vulgare Miller. A glabrous, biennial or perennial, aromatic herb. Stem erect, branched, 0.6-0.9 m high or, when cultivated still taller. Leaves 3 or 4 times pinnate, with very narrow, linear or subulate segments rather stiff in dry situations, very slender when cultivated. Flowers yellow in large umbels of 15, 20 or more rays, more or less glaucous. Fruit about 6 mm long, oblong oval cremocarp. Fennel consist of the dried, ripe fruits of cultivated plants of Foeniculum vulgare Mill
Taste Odor & Occurrence
Occurence: It occurs in Afghanistan, Australia, China, Germany, India, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Saudi-Arabia, United Kingdom.. It grows especially well on ocean coasts and river banks.
Odor: The odor of Fruit (seed) of Foeniculum vulgare Miller is Aromatic,Camphoraceous
Fruit (seed): Sweet,Aromatic
No information regarding Foeniculum vulgare Miller's substitute is currently available.
Active Constituents
Foeniculum vulgare Miller's Active constituents:
No information regarding Foeniculum vulgare Miller's antidot is currently available.
Warning & Precautions
Extremely high doses can overexcite the nervous system.The essential oil must be used very carefully since its overdose can cause convulsions.May cause slight return of periods in menopausal women.
Currently no Toxicity information is available for Foeniculum vulgare Miller. (work in progress)