Adjunct to anesthesia Any agent that is given with medication in order to treat loss of sensation. Medications (drug generics) used in Adjunct to anesthesia Primary Drugs Alcuronium (Cl) Atracurium (Besylate) Doxacurium Gallamine Triethiodide Levorphanol Mivacurium (Cl) Rocuronium (Br) Secondary Drugs Oxymorphone Contra Drugs
Adjunct to anesthesia Any agent that is given with medication in order to treat loss of sensation. Medications (drug generics) used in Adjunct to anesthesia Primary Drugs Alcuronium (Cl) Atracurium (Besylate) Doxacurium Gallamine Triethiodide Levorphanol Mivacurium (Cl) Rocuronium (Br) Secondary Drugs Oxymorphone Contra Drugs