Corallium rubrum L.
Primary Characteristics
Primary Characteristics
Corallium rubrum L. is aslo known as Astrea pallida L., belongs to Coelentrata, Gorgonacea, family.
The Arabic Name for this herb is Marjan.
The English Name for this herb is Coral.
The Urdu Names for this herb are Bussad, Marjan, Monga, Shak-e-Marjan.
Pharmacological Actions
The pharmacological Actions of Corallium rubrum L. are Antacid, Anti-bilious, Anti-phlegmatic, Aphrodiasic restorative, Astringent, Desiccative, Diuretic, Emetic, Hemostatic, Laxative, Nervine Tonic.
The Indications of Corallium rubrum L. are Cough, Giddiness, Gleet, Chest Complaints, Phthisis, Low Fever, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Scrofulous Affections, Vertigo, Bilious Headache, Urinary Complaints, Diabetes, General Debility, Spermatorrhoea, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Vomiting, Impotence, Gonorrhoea, Chronic Bronchitis, Carbuncles, Headache, Consumption.
No Contra Indication information is available for Corallium rubrum L..
The Temperament of Corallium rubrum L. is 2nd order, cold and dry.
Available Brands
Compound Preparations
Corallium rubrum L. is used in the preparation of Dawa-ul-Misk Mo'tadil Jawahardar, Hab-Jawahar, Jawahar Mohra, Kuhl al-Jawahar, Kushta Bussad, Kushta Marjan Jawaharwala compounds.
Part | Dose | Instruction |
Whole Herb | 0.500g - 1.000g | |
Herb's Description
Corallium rubrum L.. The calcareous shell or skeleton occurs as slender, cylindrical and generally branched pieces of brick-red colour made up of numerous minute particles, easily break with cracking sound. It contains organic matter about 8 percent, carbonate of lime 83 percent, magnesium carbonate about 3 percent and oxide of iron approximately 4-5 percent
Taste Odor & Occurrence
Powder: Tasteless
No information regarding Corallium rubrum L.'s substitute is currently available.
Active Constituents
Corallium rubrum L.'s Active constituents:
No information regarding Corallium rubrum L.'s antidot is currently available.
Warning & Precautions
Coral is purified by first keeping it in lime juice for sometime then boiling it in decoction of three myrobalans, and afterwards calcined in covered crucibles and reduced to powder. Excessive or long-term use is harmful for kidneys.
Currently no Toxicity information is available for Corallium rubrum L.. (work in progress)