Achillea nilotica (Lam.)

Primary Characteristics

Primary Characteristics

Achillea nilotica (Lam.) is not a herb.

Pharmacological Actions

No pharmacological Action information is available for Achillea nilotica (Lam.).


No Indication information is available for Achillea nilotica (Lam.).

No Contra Indication information is available for Achillea nilotica (Lam.).


The Temperament of Achillea nilotica (Lam.) is 2nd order, cold and dry.

The Temperament of Gum of Achillea nilotica (Lam.) is 2nd order, dry.

Available Brands

No Brand information is available for Achillea nilotica (Lam.).

Compound Preparations

Achillea nilotica (Lam.) is used in the preparation of Endemali, Hab Awaz Kusha, Hab-e-Mubarik, Hab-e-Sil, Hab-Ral, Laooq Sapistan, Qurs Didan, Qurs Sailan, Qurs Sailan Jadid, Qurs Silajit, Sunun Paost Mughlian compounds.


Bark1.000g - 3.000g
Whole Herb
Gum5.000g - 7.000gN/A

Herb's Description

Achillea nilotica (Lam.) is not a herb.

Taste Odor & Occurrence

Achillea nilotica (Lam.) is not a herb.


Achillea nilotica (Lam.) is not a herb.

Active Constituents

Achillea nilotica (Lam.) is not a herb.


Achillea nilotica (Lam.) is not a herb.

Warning & Precautions

Continous or regular use may cause astringency and obstructions.


Currently no Toxicity information is available for Achillea nilotica (Lam.). (work in progress)