Euphrasia officinalis

Primary Characteristics

Primary Characteristics

Euphrasia officinalisbelongs to Scrophulariaceae, family.
The English Name for this herb is Eyebright.

Pharmacological Actions

The pharmacological Actions of Euphrasia officinalis are Anti-catarrhal, Anti-inflammatory, Astringent.


The Indications of Whole Herb of Euphrasia officinalis are Cough, Sore Throat, Conjunctivitis, Belpharitis, Irritated eyes, Styes, Swelling of Eye, Sinus Infection.

No Contra Indication information is available for Euphrasia officinalis.


No Temperament information is available for Euphrasia officinalis.

Available Brands

No Brand information is available for Euphrasia officinalis.

Compound Preparations

No Compound Preparation information is available for Euphrasia officinalis.


Whole herb (dried)1.000Tbs.With 0.5 liter of water and boiled for ten minutes.

Herb's Description

Euphrasia officinalis. It is an elegant little plant, 2 to 8 inches high, an annual, common in temperate climates. The flowers, white, or lilac and purpleveined, are in terminal spikes, with leafy bracts interspersed. The structure of the flower places the plant in the family of the Foxglove and the Speedwell - Scrophulariaceae. The corolla is two-lipped, its lower, tube-like portion being enclosed in a green calyx, tipped with four teeth. The seeds in all kinds of the flowers are produced in tiny, flattened capsules, and are numerous and ribbed.

Taste Odor & Occurrence

Occurence: It occurs in Asia, Europe, United Kingdom.. Habitat: Alpine pastures and other grassy places. Naturalised locally in parts of the US
Taste: Slightly sour, bitter


No information regarding Euphrasia officinalis's substitute is currently available.

Active Constituents

Euphrasia officinalis's Active constituents:


No information regarding Euphrasia officinalis's antidot is currently available.

Warning & Precautions

May cause conjunctivitis (Internally & Externally).


Euphrasia officinalis:
Relatively safe for long term use