Hydrastic canadensis

Primary Characteristics

Primary Characteristics

Hydrastic canadensis.
The English Name for this herb is Goldenseal.

Pharmacological Actions

The pharmacological Action of Hydrastic canadensis is Antibiotic.


The Indications of Hydrastic canadensis are Sore Throat, Urinary Tract Infection, Recurrent Ear Infection.

No Contra Indication information is available for Hydrastic canadensis.


No Temperament information is available for Hydrastic canadensis.

Available Brands

No Brand information is available for Hydrastic canadensis.

Compound Preparations

No Compound Preparation information is available for Hydrastic canadensis.


Whole Herb4.000ml/day - 6.000ml/dayAs liquid herbal extracts
Herb (Powder)4.000g/day - 6.000g/dayGoldenseal powder as a tea or tincture may soothe a sore throat.
Rhizomes4.000g/day - 6.000g/dayContinuous use should not exceed three weeks, with a break of at least two weeks between use.

Herb's Description

Hydrastic canadensis. Goldenseal is a small perennial plant, usually cultivated for the mass herb product, but also occurring wild in rich, shady woods and damp meadows from Connecticut to Minnesota and southward. A thick, knotty, yellow rootstock sends up a hairy stem, almost a foot high, with a pair of five-lobed, serrated leaves near the top terminated by a single greenish white flower. The yellow color of the root is due to the alkaloid, berberine.

Taste Odor & Occurrence

Occurence: It is native of United States Of America . It is native to the open woodland areas of the northeastern United States. It grows naturally on the forest floor and so requires shade to grow successfully.


No information regarding Hydrastic canadensis's substitute is currently available.

Active Constituents

Hydrastic canadensis's Active constituents:


No information regarding Hydrastic canadensis's antidot is currently available.

Warning & Precautions

It is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. Continous use should not exceed three weeks,with a break of at least two weeks.


Hydrastic canadensis:
Constituent: Alkaloid
Effects: Gastrointestinal distress
High amounts may lead to gastrointestinal distress and possible nervous system effects. Goldenseal is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.