Ganoderma lucidum

Primary Characteristics

Primary Characteristics

Ganoderma lucidumbelongs to Ganodermaceae, family.
The English Names for this herb are Bracket Fungi, mushroom of immortality, Reishi.

Pharmacological Actions

The pharmacological Actions of Ganoderma lucidum are Adaptogenic, Anti-allergic, Anti-hypertensive, Anti-tumor, Immunostimulant.


The Indications of Ganoderma lucidum are Fatigue, Hypertension, Chemotherapy support, High Cholesterol, HIV (as Support), Hypertriglyceridemia, Hepatitis support, Altitude sickness, Viral Infections.

No Contra Indication information is available for Ganoderma lucidum.


No Temperament information is available for Ganoderma lucidum.

Available Brands

No Brand information is available for Ganoderma lucidum.

Compound Preparations

No Compound Preparation information is available for Ganoderma lucidum.


Herb (Dried)1.500g/day - 9.000g/dayShould be taken crude dried mushrooms.

Herb's Description

Ganoderma lucidum. Is a small species as compared to its cousins, rarely exceeding 300mm across it has an eccentric, knobbly, red/black stipe (stalk) which has a laquered look as does the pileus (Cap). Underneath the pileus the pores are small, whitish grey and bruising grey when handled. The pileus starts off hoof shaped becoming kidney shaped as it matures. This laquered surface is quite brittle and fragile, it can easily be punctured with a finger. The species is at its best aestetically following rain when all the spores and dust are washed away

Taste Odor & Occurrence

Occurence: It occurs in China, Japan, Spain.


No information regarding Ganoderma lucidum's substitute is currently available.

Active Constituents

Ganoderma lucidum's Active constituents:


No information regarding Ganoderma lucidum's antidot is currently available.

Warning & Precautions

Dry throat and nose, GI upset, itchiness, nausea, vomiting has been reported. INTERACTIONS: 1.Anticoagulant / Antiplatelets: It may increase the risk of bleeding. 2.Antihypertensives: May cause additive hypotensive effects. 3.Immunosuppressants:Can enhance the immune responses. 4.Chemotherapeutic Agents: Reishi can increase plasma antioxidant capacity. 5.Lab test interactions: May prolong INR, PT and APTT.


Currently no Toxicity information is available for Ganoderma lucidum. (work in progress)